Due to poor road conditions in much of the district and the high likelihood of refreezing tonight, Mayflower School District campuses will be closed on Friday, Feb. 25. Please stay safe. This will be AMI day #6.
about 2 years ago, Andy Chisum
Due to inclement weather, Mayflower School District campuses will be closed on Thursday, February 24. This will be AMI day #5.
about 2 years ago, Andy Chisum
Mayflower School District will be closing campus today as soon as kids eat lunch and buses are ready to roll out, should be approximately 11:00. The district will be utilizing AMI day 4.
about 2 years ago, Andy Chisum
We would like you to review this information that has presented on a four-day school week and give your feedback on the topic. Four-day school week presenation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-M3geE9dO5Ui5ggE2UxoDO02AoUjn-_z/view?usp=sharing Draft 2022-23 Academic Calendar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gHYKIbpalrOXShpZWuG4nZ8etUcfK_42/view?usp=sharing Frequently Asked Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18EUeeAacPfO_4VtNd4mejpjJ03slBr0lB2oKH1Fi9BM/edit?usp=sharing Four-Day School Week Survey: https://forms.gle/Lqy34RSfJrRr5RSW9 We appreciate you reviewing this information and providing your feedback.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Mayflower School District parents and patrons are invited to view the public meeting tonight via Zoom using the information below: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99625478461?pwd=MjlxZ2tqeXpwaU9acmVRMzNEemMxZz09 Meeting ID: 996 2547 8461 Passcode: 1dcfV2 As there will also be a live audience, to minimize disruptions, please remain muted and utilize the chat feature to ask any questions you might have prior to the Q&A portion. Thank you for your support and cooperation!
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Good Evening, Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. there will be a meeting for students ages 5-18 and their parents to discuss the possibility of your students participating with the 4H club and our High School FFA program by showing animals and/or participating in Agri mechanics projects for the 2022-23 school year. This meeting will provide lots of information about all the programs available and how to prepare for competition. Please join us Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Agri Building.
over 2 years ago, John Pipkins
February Employee Spotlights are couple editions. Please check out our Spotlights website to read about the couples that chose Mayflower. https://sites.google.com/mayflowerschools.org/mayflowerspotlights/home
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Basketball games originally scheduled for February 4th at Atkins have been rescheduled for February 9th. Games will start at 5:00 with senior boys, followed by the senior girls game. The junior boys' game will not be made up as the junior high district tournament is slated to begin on February 5th. At this time, no changes have yet been made to the junior high district tournament schedule.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
ARISA Health is offering some free sessions for parents. Please click on the link below to see if there are any sessions that interest you: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19u_SCl5nELRvTvGFD-GVtClaezKdh8C1/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110612354239759105881&rtpof=true&sd=true
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Due to hazardousĀ road conditions, Mayflower School District will be closed on Friday, February 4, and the district will utilize an AMI day.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Considering the high likelihood of inclement weather, Mayflower School District campuses will be closed on Thursday, February 3rd. The day will be observed as an AMI day. Additionally, the public meeting scheduled for February 3rd has been rescheduled for 6:00 Monday, February 7th, and the board meeting scheduled for February 7th has been rescheduled for Monday, February 14th at 6:00. Please stay tuned to the District communication channels for any additional schedule modifications for school and/or district events. Thank you for supporting the Mayflower School District and for your understanding.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
The zoom link for this free session will be shared at a later date.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Arisa Health Flyer
Our first grade students are enjoying their new manipulatives purchased with grant money. These are magnetic, dry erase 10 frames. Students are demonstrating decomposing 10 in as many ways as possible.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Meet Stephanie Ivy. She is this week's Employee Spotlight.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Are you are interested in changing careers, or have you ever been interested in pursuing a career in education? If so, please plan to attend this virtual event to learn about possible alternative pathways to get into the education field. The flyer can be found at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uhdN-lqqyC-WoNQV3SBuWzkq1wqe80FB/view?usp=sharing.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Become a Teacher Virtual Event
Interesting in becoming a substitute teacher? Additional incentives are now available.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
WillSub Flyer
Recently the Mayflower School District sought input from parents about the possibility of considering a four-day school week calendar for next year. The district has scheduled two public meetings to share information related to the topic and answer questions. The meetings are scheduled for Sunday, January 30 at 3:00 and Thursday, February 3 at 6:00. Both sessions will be held in the Mayflower High School Cafeteria. Additionally, the district is working to develop an FAQ on the topic. If you have any questions on the subject, please submit them at the following link: https://forms.gle/KG3WA9utoS6kvA3FA. Thank you for your input.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
The AP art students are enjoying the supplies bought with the AP grant!
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Get to know our Employee Spotlight of the week - Krista Stephens our Food Service Director.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Join us in congratulating our AP teachers Bailey Moore, Alicia Eberhard, and Johnette Reynolds for each receiving a $1000 grant to purchase classroom supplies.
over 2 years ago, Mayflower School District
Moore B